The Quran is the last divine book that God has revealed to our beloved Prophet (PBUH) more than 1,400 years ago. The Quran is not only a book of blessings and virtues, but also has many psychological consequences for the person who recites this very good book. Recitation of the Quran has many good results on Muslim health in terms of blood stress, coronary heart rate, and expected stress level. The perceived degree of pressure is described as the extent of pressure in a person, and that is enough for a person to be traumatized.
The Dutch researcher named Vander Hoffen has conducted studies on this specific place, especially since he has not actually published its consequences. The most effective suggested, "Muslims who can study Arabic and who study the Quran can often protect themselves from mental illness." However, it does not provide any evidence or precise details about the actual consequences of reciting the Quran to readers.
In all other studies, Yucel Saleh says: "There are statistical adjustments in tire temperature and breathing charges, but now they are not big enough to help with the wonderful results of praying for physical well-being." Again, he failed to present what the actual results of his research and its contents were only to give contradictory statements about the mental benefits of the Quran.
Currently I have been taking a look at the investigation of the above results of the Quran. The reason for this is to look at what has been changed to do a full research about the situation because of the fact that previous research is no longer critical and it has been low in disease. Summing up the results of these studies, the researcher describes that "at the present time we take a look at the dramatic adjustments observed statistically to physiological conditions, and a look at helps the hypothesis that prayer has wonderful consequences on the structure of the body."
This research was conducted at the University of Salford, UK. In this I looked at 15 female students and 15 Muslim psychologists who were protected and looked at two parts. The first component turned into similarly divided into two conditions. In the first cases, the price of the coronary heart, the degree of perceived stress, and the bloodline of the contributors were examined before and after reading the Quran. In the second case, the equal elements were examined before and after studying a non-secular e-book in an Arabic text.
The order of the experiment has also changed into a big excitement. Half of the scholars read the Quran for the first time accompanied by the opposite eBook. Similarly, the alternative unit first studies the non-secular e-book and then the Quran.
The results were completed after the use of widely used strategies that may be put forward by custom T-tests and ANOVA. Unusually enough, the researchers found that blood stress, heart attack and perceived strains of stress for college students decreased after reading the Quran. On the contrary, no significant alternative to note was changed in students after reading the opposite e-book.
In the second part of the studies, specialists interviewed scholars about their personal vision of studying the Quran. All college students responded that the Quran provided a great alternative to their way of life, teaching people to live better and sinful lifestyles. More importantly, it reminds them of their belief that this is Islam and takes them to their Creator and relaxes them physically and mentally.
Ultimately, the researchers concluded that the recitation of the Quran seemed to be beneficial to the psychological and physical well-being of any man or woman. It may reduce the perceived stress levels along low blood pressure and keep the coronary heart rate under manipulation.